Pastor Serge Jacmel Feeding the Multitude

The money served to provide 25 persons or families with a
kit containing the items mentioned in the request letter. The updated letter
had suggested that the number "30 persons " mentioned initially would
go down when adding another essential element I had forgotten. Interestingly
still, 25 families receives the kit even when I added an even more necessary
In fact, some of the beneficiaries, suggested, after consultation, that it would be better to drop the 3 cans of salmon, and, instead of a whole gallon of cooking oil, to give them half a gallon, so that they could get a box of laundry bar of soap. The box is about 5.5 USD.
In fact, some of the beneficiaries, suggested, after consultation, that it would be better to drop the 3 cans of salmon, and, instead of a whole gallon of cooking oil, to give them half a gallon, so that they could get a box of laundry bar of soap. The box is about 5.5 USD.
Besides, you'll remark that I didn't take into account transportation. Not only I paid for taking the products from the store to the deacon's, I paid also to transport some kits to some church members in the countryside, in Lamontagne (the Hosanna Ministry has a small church in that place too).
Finally, I said I would give the kits to the women. Not all of them could be there. They sent either
their husband (with a taxi bike), or their son (strong enough to carry the items).
So, this is it, the money was served for relief for the intended entity. Not even the deacon or I got our share!
Again, the people and I want to express our deep gratitude for that help. And we wish it could be repeated, for there are so many people in need here. That's the main reason we didn't choose to do the distribution in the church facilities, because that would provoke the others to jealousy .
Thank you again to ORH!
If you have questions, please,
don't hesitate to ask!
To Mr. Jan
Milton, in Operation Renewed Hope,
Joy and
satisfaction over Operation Renewed Hope - Jan Milton in particular - for
sharing in practical ways the love of Christ, touching so many lives around the
world. I, Serge JACMEL, thank ORH again for responding positively to me in my
former address about my brother-in-law, Noé Métélus, who had colon cancer.
Now, Frantzo
Marmousette, Mrs. Fouchard Pierre, and I, are writing for some food relief for
some people in our churches among the poorest. In fact, we are part of a big
church - Evangelical Church of the Redeemed, which counts four
daughter-churches. We are over 1 000 church members. As ORH is doing many
actions in several poor countries to help, I am sure you are aware of the
execrable situation (to say the least), which is the constant in such countries
like Haiti. While it’s been about two months the virus is spreading in the
country, and people can’t go to school, to work, or are hindered to go to the
open market to sell or to buy… We haven’t gotten any help from the government,
not even a mask! As Christians, it’s even worse for us.
So, seeing
the posts by ORH about reliefs sent to other people in other countries, we dare
hope you could send us some relief, even for the poorest among us.
Below are
the list and price of items to make a food kit for one family (we consider
giving it to the woman in the family).
A Kit for
one family - Items
ü 1/4 of a sack of rice (12.5kg/27.5
lbs) for 12.5 USD
ü A bag of spaghetti containing 24
units for 9 USD
ü 3 cans of salmon for 4.1 USD
ü A big pot of black beans, about 7
lbs, for 6 USD
ü A gallon of cooking oil for 7USD
Based on
what is established above, we would need an equivalent of 39 USD for one
family. So, with 1 000 USD, about 25 families can get a food relief kit like
In the hope
that ORH will soon give us a positive response to our request, we pray that
more abundant blessings be poured on ORH!
JACMEL, leader
Fouchard PIERRE, deaconess
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