Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Village Medical Assistant - After Action Report
Name: Tom Johnson, M.D., Thyroid Specialist and Generalist with full-permission by a Memorandum of Understanding(MOU) through the Ministry of Health in Phnom Penh, Cambodia and licensed to practice medicine for 12 Provinces in CambodiaCountry: Cambodia, more specfically: "Elephant Head" Village in the "Oral District" located in Kompeung Speu Province
Date clinic conducted: Friday, August 28th, 2020 (Time 7:30 AM - 7:00 PM)
No. of Patients: 92 Patients with One Licensed Provider per VMA Guidelines
Spiritual Impact: We had a wonderful spiritual impact on this new area of Kompeung Speu Province! This was the first time that the Gospel of Grace was presented to this area, based on our initial surveys and preliminary trips. Approximately, 15 or more folks made decisions for Christ; but I have not yet collected all the decision records!! A member of our Phnom Penh Church (who is a great soul-winner and whose name is Viret), along with Pastor Vibol will be following up in this area(Elephant Head Village) and establishing new house churches! One amazing testimony that occurred at this ORH VMA Clinic on August 28th was that a husband and a wife (couple) were saved, together. The husband's name is Phon and his wife's name is Yum. Both husband and wife were gloriously saved and immediately became "on fire" for God!!! Phon & Yum said that they had never heard this Good News, Gospel message, before; but both whole-heartedly accepted Christ as their personal Savior, after hearing it for the first time!!! This is an incredible wonderful testimony that confirms to me that medical clinic outreaches are a powerful tool for pioneering the Gospel into new areas that have never heard the Good News, before!!!!!
Please pray for our follow-up and especially for Phon & Yum!! We will be establishing a new "House Church" in their home this coming Friday!
Discovered Needs: Many more clinics need to be done in Kompeung Speu Province, especially in the "Oral District Area". This is the area that Operation Renewed Hope tried to come to three times in the past, but were all providentially hindered. But, finally, we were able to do a VMA clinic, ourselves and almost see 100 patients. Next time, we will definitely see 100 patients, by the grace of God!
We spent all the $1100 dollars as follows: Medicine - $471.85; Travel, Fuel, and Hotel - $320; Food and Fluids - $184.64; and Helper Fees - $123.51. A full detailed accounting report is attached on an excel sheet below.
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Tuesday, December 8, 2020
India: Covid 19 food distribution
“For The WORD And For The Testimony Of Jesus Christ- Rev 1:9”
To God be all Glory and we will
continue to stay focused as the mighty hand of our Lord and Savior continues
to lead us miraculously amidst of all fear, struggles and sorrow.
It is only your prayers, constant
support and sacrifices in the Lord that has enabled us to come thus far. Thank
God for all that you have done and have been doing in our lives.
The COVID-19 crisis continues to
deepen and Lord willing we pray to be a blessing unto the needy as God provides
according to His Will, Purpose and Direction.
Yours faithfully in Christ, JP and Eliz
Dad and Mom send many greetings
and much love and gratitude.
Friday, December 4, 2020
Victory Baptist Church, Lake Charles, La, was in need of a
temporary building to house their Christian school because of hurricane damage
to their school building. ORH was thankful to send $2800.00 to help the church
pay all initial fees, first month payment, and set up for the building.
Pastor Dartez wrote the following message.
"Thanks to the gracious folks who have given through
Operation Renewed Hope. We are continuing to educate children from a biblical
worldview. This building is a life saver to this ministry! Thank You!"
Jim Childress, the first missionary (29 years ago) to work
with ORH clinics, sent an urgent prayer request.
"Jan, Alberto´s wife is critical with Covid. Alberto
and his sons are about finished with quarantine, but his wife is on a
respirator and has been for some time. Pray from ORH people would be a good
thing. Jim"
Alberto is a Panamanian pharmacy tech. He travels as part of
Jim's Panamanian medical team that often assists ORH in the Spanish speaking
medical clinics. He is a good and faithful Christian professional.
Please pray for Alberto's wife.
Kevin McCoy and his family have been a true blessing.
While waiting to get clearance to enter Costa Rica, Kevin and his family
surveyed damage in the hurricane regions of Louisiana, Alabama, and Florida to
help ORH.
They arrived in Costa Rica just in time to help with
hurricanes striking Latin America. This is Kevin/s report.
"I am meeting with two pastors, now. Their biggest
need right now is food for the people who have either been out of work due to
Covid restrictions or due to the flooding from these two
hurricanes....First Baptist Church, Villareal, Costa
Rica, Pastor Nelson Campos...Mission Baptist Church, Pastor Steven Garro
He further writes.
....reaching people with the gospel of Christ and
serving the needs of their communities as a local church. ...the pandemic and
Covid restrictions have devastated many areas that depend on the tourism
industry and many many families are out of work and lack the ability to provide
the basic necessities for their families; and then, back to back hurricanes
brought devastating floods to their areas making things even worse.
The pastors say $1000.00 each would really help now, and
one of the churches needs about $800 for repairs to reopen."
ORH was able by your giving to help these two churches
with the $2800.00 and the expenses for Brother McCoy. Shortly we will transfer
at least $200.00 more dollars to make a total of 3000.00 for the churches.
ORH relief work in Lebanon continues during this Covid 19
response by governments. Many people are cold, and many are hungry.
Pastor Karim Dahdah is a true blessing as he continues his
gospel ministry to Syrian refugees coming to his church, Gospel Baptist, in
Zahle. Through missionary Sam Stricklin ORH is able to send relief. Sam wrote
the following.
"Dear Jan, I just sent you a report from Karim
showing a distribution to 25 families. Karim informed me that he actually
delivered to a total of 50 families, and if you wanted pictures for the other
25 he would send these to you as well. Just let me know.
Thank you so such much for all you are doing for the dire
needs of Lebanese and Syrian refugees. Sincerely, Sam Stricklin"
ORH thanks God for this Gospel preaching church and its
faithful pastor. We must keep the efforts supported to reach these refugees with
the gospel.
As the Syrians return to Syria, they will have had multiple
contacts directly with the Gospel and Biblical teaching.
We hope to send $1500.00 more for fuel for their heaters. It
is cold in Zahle.
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Pastor Noe Mendoza wrote the following to ORH.
"Loading the truck with rice to take to Atlantic north the hardest hitting area by the hurricane. Truck will be leaving on Thursday morning. Thanks brother."
Operation Renewed Hope has worked with Noe Mendoza in the past on medical clinics and shipping projects. Once again, ORH is thankful to work with them om Hurricane Iota. ORH sent to Pastor Noe's church; Iglesias Betania Bautista, Mission, TX; $6000.00 to supply food for the churches and the communities around the churches.
Pray that many will hear the Gospel as a result of the churches' ministry with the food.