Thursday, August 27, 2015

Saipan and Myanmar - Pastor Cung

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Dear Friends,

Saipan Update

ORH just received these communications from Dr. Christian Wei whose ministry was damaged by the Typhoon that struck Saipan.  His efforts to train pastors in very difficult situations is exemplary.  We must help him to become totally functional again.  All too often, the pastors he trains have no Bible, no books, but overwhelming desire to complete their ministry.  Please read his communication.

“Dear Jan:  Please see attached file for the students’ thank-you-notes.  We are so grateful for your kindness to help us.  God bless.  In Christ,  Christian Wei

Dear Friends:  Our coworkers taught our students to give thanks in everything. They encouraged them to write thank-you-notes to those who gave sacrificially to help us to go through our disaster situation.  I have attached some of our students’ note in the file.  I am sure you will enjoy their child like faith and application notes.  We, too, with deep love and affection desire to say thank you to all of you who support us this difficult time.  Even though there are still a lot of works need to be done, but we knew the Lord will supply all our needs.  Thank you so much for everything.  Humbly in Christ,  Christian Wei”

Can you help with this good work?  Even a small amount will help.

Myanmar – Pastor Cung

Through Pastor Steve Rebert, Benjamin Bounds, Director of Faith International Partnership, wrote to ORH about Pastor Cung in Myanmar.  Please read Pastor Cung’s message sent directly from the devastation area in Myanmar.

“Dear Bro. Jan milton:  Greeting to you from Pastor John Bawi Cung in Myanmar. I have kow about your ministry from Bro. Ben bounds and give me your Email.  I am working here in our country myanmar . I am working church planting, we have local church from different part of area in myanmar. I am doing pastor and Leader bible conference, i was running children school among the Buddist poeple. We are also doing emengency relief and helping the poor and supporting pastor.  I hope that you will hear about myanmar flood in kalaymyo and Chin state. Now so many poeple are suffering by the flood and there no food, no water, clothe and homeless. Their house had been destroy by the flood and many poeple are moving another place.  I hope that you will pray about our poeple those who are suffer by flood. If the lord is provide you to help our poeple food or anything. You can contact me Directly bellow.  Emial : jbcung@gmail. Com  Rev. John Bawi Cung  President Immanuel calvary Church”

Please, download the PDF attachment to see his church people working to help the Buddhist families in great need.  This is the Church in action to those in need of the gospel.  We must help these good brothers and sisters in Christ.

If you wish to donate by credit or debit card, please go to and choose “Network for Good.”  Please, designate the gift for “International Relief.”

If you wish to donate by check, please, send the check to Operation Renewed Hope, P.O. Box 43242, Fayetteville, NC 28309.  Please designate the gift for “International Relief.”

God bless,

Jan Milton
Operation Renewed Hope
1017 Sage Green Ct
Raleigh, NC 27610

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