Sunday, September 7, 2014

Iraq - Post 2

September 6, 2014

Dear Friends,

Iraq Update

Thank you for the donations to help the Christians fleeing ISIS.  This is a terrible situation.

Edgar Feghaly wrote the following update about the money that was sent to the Pastor Maher's Baptist Church in Baghdad.  Pastor Maher has a good ministry in Baghdad, even a radio station.  ORH sent the first money to make sure that it could reach the people in need.  Brother Feghaly has assured us now that it has reached the church and preparations are being made to distribute this money.

Brother Feghaly also gave us word that many have come to Baghdad from the conflict area, and the church is helping these families now.  Please read the the following update.

"Brother Maher already has possession of the money, and we are already putting together our plans to activate the aid to the people.

Also, we are working on a plan to put a NT or a Bible in the hands of every person that receives aid.

Thank you for your kindness and generosity. As the aid is being distributed in Baghdad, Iraq, and Kurdistan, we will be sending you photos and news through our email updates.

May our Master and Lord reward you for your faithfulness and generosity."

These are dangerous days and hard days for the world and Christians in particular.  It is the greatest day on earth to reach the world through the compassion of Christ.  We must not fail to go to the harvest.

Pray for these people.  To believe around the world, now requires a willingness to die.

Operation Renewed Hope is thankful for those who have given.

Uganda October 2014

ORH needs 3 more non-medical people to go to Uganda.  If you can go, the dates are October 25 through Nov. 3, 2014.  The number of patients will be great.  We need at least 3 more to help us.

One of our doctors had to withdraw from the trip.  We need to replace that care giver.  A PA, Nurse Practitioner, or a doctor would be of great help.

We want to make sure we are able to help all the people who will come to the clinics.

Cambodia January 2015

ORH is now forming the Cambodia Trip for 2015.  Please consider traveling with ORH to help Dr. Tom Johnson.  As we form this team, we are praying very strongly for the new church that hopefully will form.

Dr. Johnson has received a land donation.  The ORH team will travel to this donated land.  We will do the clinic on this land to draw people to hear the gospel and receiving loving, compassionate health care. 

Prayerfully, many will trust Christ, and become a strong new group for the new church.

God bless,

Jan Milton
Operation Renewed Hope
1017 Sage Green Ct.
Raleigh, NC 27610

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