Wednesday, July 4, 2018
Dear Friends,

ORH sends monthly support for Pastor Athem’s
children’s home. The money is designated
for food and education. Below you will
read about three young men for whom ORH has sent extra funds for higher
education efforts. This is from Pastor Athem.
he appeared the class 12th Board Exams, and he needs to re-appear
his biology on 20th July.
Please continue to pray for him. He wants to be a medical doctor and
serve the Lord in the remote areas of Myanmar where no health care is
will complete his B.Th. next year in April 2019. He wants to complete up to
M.Div. and he wants to translate the Bible into his own language. He will be
the first M.Div. from his own community.
Baite, will be completing his B.Th. in April 2019. He wants to serve amongst
the deaf people and preaching the Gospel to the deaf world.”
Please take time to download and read the
PDF. It will be a true blessing to see
the growth of these children and young people.
ORH’s goal, to encourage nationals to enter
the medical missionary effort, could mean that Angyo will need extra support in
the future to accomplish his medical education.
Pray we will be able to help many of these young people reach their
intended goals. We need nationals
prepared to reach their nation for Christ through medicine. Thank you, Jim Starr.
Put the Medical Mission Summit on your calendar…
Mission Summit
Baptist University
28-30, 2019
per student
per chaperon
The first summit in
2017 was a true blessing with over 100 participating. Support the 2019 summit by sending your young
you wish to give by credit or debit card, please go to and choose “Network for Good.” Please designate
the gift for your specific purpose using “My preference is” then stipulate your
you wish to give by check, please send the check to Operation Renewed Hope,
P.O. Box 43242, Fayetteville, NC 28309. Please designate the gift for
your specific purpose using “My preference is” then stipulate your preference.
Renewed Hope
Sage Green Ct.
NC 27610
(As per counsel, for the
benefit of our donor’s tax deductible donations, Operation Renewed Hope has
added the following statement. The IRS requires that Operation Renewed
Hope retain control over distribution of all donations; therefore, please use
the designation description “My preference is” before the designated reason for
the donation. Thank you for helping ORH honor you and the IRS.)